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How to score 100/100 marks in Math

Mathematics can be a nightmare to some students whereas fun for others. It is basically because of the same reason. Unlike like language subjects wherein there can be a maybe, in math you either get it completely right or entirely wrong.

10 Reasons your next computer should be a laptop

Back in the early days of the PC revolution, laptops were big and heavy. But things have changed a lot since those days, and now laptops are in many ways the ideal computing solution. Here are the reasons why you should own a laptop. 1. Usability. While a desktop may restrict your usage, a laptop…

Tapping into our genius ability

You wonder what differentiates you and the winners who breakthrough. Many believe that only geniuses can succeed, but are unable to see the genius that lies within them. We all have that great ability to be extraordinary in our thinking, to go beyond the native limits.

The lone problem solver

Our very civilization is organised around the fact that, we are social beings. But did you know that studies have shown that, many people who are considered to be highly intelligent, prefer to spend a lot of their time alone?

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