The lone problem solver

Our very civilization is organised around the fact that, we are social beings. But did you know that studies have shown that, many people who are considered to be highly intelligent, prefer to spend a lot of their time alone?

The main reason behind this believe stems back to how our ancestors solved problems. For a very long time – as long as we can remember, humans have collaborated and worked together to solve all manner of complex problems, from social issues, to complex mathematical and engineering problems. The “two heads and better than one ” concepts worked well, since more brain power meant more generation of ideas and working together made things easier.
 Today, however, through rapid evolution and the influx of technology, these concepts have become somewhat outdated. Humankind now finds itself in the “solo-problem-solver” era, the lone Achiever. The blue-sky thinkers who look outside the box and have the ability to transform the world with bold ideas and innate intelligence.
Lets talk about the idea of being alone in regards to the law of attraction.
Many have come to believe that the law of attraction, plays a great role in what we experience in live. If you set your mind to something, work towards it and fully believe you can accomplish it, more often than not, you will achieve it. Positive thinking, coupled with positive action can be the key to attracting or realizing anything we desire in life. But when we relay those goals to a group of friends or colleagues and it only takes one detractor to say “you can’t” to through a wrench in a successful execution of your plans.The poison of negativity feeds negativity and creates a stifling, crippling environment that won’t foster the inspiration and drive you need to succeed.
For many, being alone and free from the negative energy that others have to offer, is a much easier space to create a life of positivity, achievements and happiness. For others, being alone brings more peace, and with more peace, comes more creative energy, and with more creative energy comes greater results.
Lets talk about the effects of being alone in regard to the ability to solve problems.
Evolution has allowed individual people the ability of innate intelligence to solve an innumerable amount of complex problems on their own. Historically, the evolution of our species shows us that working within a group was beneficial, and while many aspects of our development once owed themselves to this approach, the ascendants of man in this current era has leaped forward so vastly taking unprecedented strides and changing the way we look for solutions to solve problems. The way we think now encourages and demands of us to sort for ways to solve our problems on our own. Innovation and creative approaches often originate from people working in isolation.
We now look to the individual for solutions, our technology has improved, education has improved, technology continue to advance at an astronomical pace and we have access to more and more resources.

Of course this doesn’t mean we can’t sometimes use help from our friends and peers and even colleagues to solve the difficult problems we face, it simply means that we can focus more completely when we work by ourselves, when we are self-reliant in our quest for solutions.

Nowadays the “two-heads” concept doesn’t serve us, instead becoming a mess of “two many cooks spoiling the soup” slowing down the problem-solving process and obstructing the person who has the intelligence to seek out answers.

Published by tandohachiever

I am someone like you seeking to explore and exploit my potentials in areas that hit my interest. I love learning, teaching and engaging in meaning conversations as well as competitions. I may be terrified some times but i try to overcome my fears in life. It gives me joy helping others succeed, even where i may have failed.

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