What are the most mind-blowing facts about the human brain?

  • Your entire brain is used when you listen to music. It’s one of the few activities that does this.
  • Our brains have a negativity bias and will remember negative memories more than good ones. This helps us to better protect ourselves.
  • Convincing your brain that you slept well scams your brain into thinking it really did.
  • Learning new things changes your brain and increases your intelligence — even if you’re older.
  • Your brain does more creative work when you’re tired.
  • Do you think we have 1 brain? No, we have two. The enteric nervous system (ENS) is known as the “second brain” or the brain in the gut because it can operate independently of the (brain and spinal cord), and the Central Nervous System (CNS). This Second Brain is where your gut feeling comes from.
  • Our brain responds differently to people we know. Our brain usually likes responding to people who have similar tastes and preferences and more to people we already know.
  • Ambidextrous and left-handed people have a corpus callosum (the part of the brain that bridges the two halves) that is 11% larger than those who are right handed.
  • It takes 5 different parts of your brain for you to understand and laugh at a joke.
  • You get a song stuck in your head because your brain interprets the song as an unfinished task, especially if you only remember one part

Published by tandohachiever

I am someone like you seeking to explore and exploit my potentials in areas that hit my interest. I love learning, teaching and engaging in meaning conversations as well as competitions. I may be terrified some times but i try to overcome my fears in life. It gives me joy helping others succeed, even where i may have failed.

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